About us


The Kawata Group contributes to achieving the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” adopted at the United Nations Summit through constant promotion and implementation of our “Corporate Philosophy” and “Management Principles” in order to earnestly tackle our environmental, social, and economic challenges.
In addition, we deem that it is one of the important management challenges to secure and develop talented human resources for sustainable growth of the company. We aim to offer products and service that satisfy our customers, respecting the autonomy of our employees as a company where employees can find job satisfaction.

(1) Governance

The Kawata Group responds properly to challenges surrounding sustainability including environmental issues, and reports the status of addressing the challenges to the Board of Directors as appropriate. Based on the report, we conduct verification and consultation from various points of view with outside directors.

(2) Strategy for Human Capital

The Kawata Group implements the human resource development program with the policy of supporting and developing autonomous human resources who can think and act on their own initiative with the aim of "corporate growth" and "individual growth", and manages working environment as part of active investment in human capital. We will continue to value the autonomy, job satisfaction, and individuality of each employee, protecting workplace safety, and mental and physical health, and work to create a sound and discrimination-free workplace with respect for human rights.

(3) Risk Management

The Kawata Group has formulated the risk management basic policy to respond to risk and opportunities in business including sustainability risk, and ensures the continuation and stable development of our business through the practice of risk management. In addition, we have established the Risk Review Committee to promote risk management, at which operating officers in charge organizing the committee review and implement concrete measures for individual issues in risk management. Matters related to risk management reviewed by the Risk Review Committee and operating officers in charge are thoroughly informed to employees through the managerial positions. 
In order to mitigate risk, we consider the "likelihood" and "impact" with regard to the following nine kinds of risk, and classify them into four categories: (A) Avoid, (B) Transfer, (C) Reduce, and (D) Accept on the risk map. 

  • ① Concentration on specific business fields
  • ②Rise in prices of raw materials
  • ③ Tough price competition
  • ④Overseas business
  • ⑤ Fluctuations in exchange rate
  • ⑥Securing and development of human resources
  • ⑦ Litigation
  • ⑧Natural disasters, accidents, and outbreak of serious epidemics
  • ⑨Climate change

(4) SDGs Initiatives

  • Let's get rid of poverty
  • Zero famine
  • Health and welfare for all
  • Quality education for everyone
  • Let's achieve gender equality
  • Safe water and toilets all over the world
  • Energy for everyone and clean
  • Good job and economic growth
  • Build a base for industry and technological innovation
  • Eliminate the equality of people and countries
  • Creating a town where you can continue to live
  • Responsibility to use Responsibility to use
  • Specific measures against climate change
  • Let's protect the richness of the sea
  • Let's protect the richness of the land
  • Peace and justice for all
  • Achieve your goals in partnership
  • SDGs wheel

1. Contribution to productivity improvement and labor, energy, and resource savings at our customers’ production sites

・Promoting “Challenge CES”
Technical development and sales promotion of machines, based on our product development guideline, “Challenge CES (Cost-Energy-Space saving initiative to reduce costs, support energy savings and contribute to environmentally-friendly CO2 reduction efforts, and promote space-saving designs for installation areas by reducing the content of used iron and stainless steel)”
・ Developing and selling labor-saving machines
Development and sale of machines that can promote work rationalization (labor savings) at our customers’ production sites
・ Promoting technological readiness and deployment for popularization of electric vehicles and hybrid automobiles
Technical response and action for promoting electric power based on lithium-ion batteries and solid-state batteries that can contribute to reduction of CO2 and environmental loads
Technological readiness and deployment for promoting plastic parts that can contribute to reduction of CO2 and environmental loads through realization of lighter vehicles
  • Health and welfare for all
  • Energy for everyone and clean
  • Build a base for industry and technological innovation
  • Specific measures against climate change

2.Contribution to the global environmental preservation through environmentally friendly products made by our customers

・Contributing to reduction of environmental loads by responding to our customers’ demands for new materials
R&D efforts and activities for new material molding technologies contributing to reduction of environmental loads by means of bioplastics manufactured from corn and sugarcane with small CO2 emissions impact, and biodegradable plastics that can be completely dissolved into water and carbon-dioxide through microbial decomposition, as well as other similar new materials
  • Health and welfare for all
  • Energy for everyone and clean
  • Responsibility to use Responsibility to use
  • Specific measures against climate change
  • Let's protect the richness of the sea

3. Promotion of improving productivity and saving labor, energy and resources in our business activities

・Actions to save energy and resources at our business sites
Our efforts include reducing electricity and gas consumption by changing office facilities and equipment into those more compatible with energy savings and alleviating environmental loads by reducing consumption of print and copy paper
  • Energy for everyone and clean
  • Specific measures against climate change

4. Initiatives to reduce waste at customer and in-house business sites and promote recycling

・Reducing waste
R&D efforts and activities for realizing and improving technologies that contribute to reduction of plastic waste
RPromoting reduction of packing materials used for shipment of our products and delivery of suppliers’ items, and recycling of those materials
・Reusing waste plastic containers, etc.
Promoting sales of our products in the plastic recycling industry
  • Responsibility to use Responsibility to use
  • Let's protect the richness of the sea

5.Compatibility between continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and productive, rewarding and human-centered work

・ Promoting diversity
Providing a work environment where everyone can work continuously and effectively without being discriminated due to nationality, race, ethnicity, faith, religion, sex, age, etc.
  • Let's achieve gender equality
  • Good job and economic growth

6. Making efforts to attain development targets through coordination/collaboration with all stakeholders

・ Coordination and collaboration with stakeholders
Promoting coordination and collaboration with shareholders, business partners, employees, and communities

Promoting coordination and collaboration with raw-material producers and equipment manufacturers
Promoting coordination and collaboration with industry-academia-government stakeholders
・Enhancement and promotion of CSR management
Realization of transparent and fair corporate governance
Sound corporate activities based on thorough compliance awareness
  • Achieve your goals in partnership